Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Collaboration on Stage 3

I met with Alicia and shared my stage 3 template. We looked over each facet and brainstormed how to integrate music lessons to each one. Alicia sees my students once a week so this will work out well for us. She is thinking about music and adaption. She will take this in two strands. The first will be how people used music, dance and tradition as a way to adapt to their new surroundings and preserve their culture. The second will focus on how traditional music has adapted over time and fused into something new i.e. Bluegrass, Jazz, Zydeco and pop music of today.
Our goal is to have the students use what they learn and create either and iMovie or podcast. These can then be part of their final project.
From a leadership perspective, it was a good experience. Alicia was open to the unit design. I am not asking her to complete a template but I may create one based on what she plans to do with her students. I felt she was able to look at the unit in way that adds a different perspective which will enrich the students learning experiences.